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Who do you fear?

 The Lord has been speaking to me a lot about what and whom is it that I fear. 


During worship last Wednesday with my squad I can remember just looking around and seeing so many people just freely dance in worship to the Lord. It also had me just wanting to let go and dance freely in worshiping Him. Unfortunately, instead, I looked around at the person beside me and thought to myself “what would they think if I just broke out in full dance mode for the Lord? Would they think I am crazy? What if they think it is weird?” 

So many thoughts and “what if’s” filled my mind. I realized just right then that I was giving way too much power and authority over to my fear in men, and not enough power and authority to my fear in God. In the Bible, many times, God commands us “Do not be afraid, and fear not.” 


How many times do we allow a thought or a “what if” to take the forefront of our minds imprisioning us away from the blessing that the Lord has for us? How many times do we stay silent about what the Lord has spoken to us because we don’t want to sound too funny or look crazy to our friends? How many times do we miss out on so many great opportunities that the Lord has for us because we are afraid to dream too big? In Galatians 5:1, Paul is writing to the church of Galatia about how Christ has set us free and for them to stand firm in that truth. 


The Lord has set us free. He has not set us free only for us to fall back into a yoke of slavery. Let’s be like that little girl that Wednesday night that got up in danced for the Lord not caring about the thoughts of others. So much freedom that the Lord is calling you into. Take that tiny step today towards freedom! The Lord is right there cheering you on. 


Gal 5:1 “For freedom, Christ set us free, 

Stand firm then and don’t submit again to a yoke of slavery.” 

2 responses to “Who do you fear?”

  1. Let’s Dance and laugh! With a world of heaviness, despair, and anxiety. Dance, laughter, praise, release the chains that fight us. The Lord is calling us to joy in Him. He paints beautiful landscapes, He places songs on our hearts, and while reflection is important. This season I see the need to just express joy. Let us raise our hands in exultation!

  2. A MUCH needed reminder in this season of my life!!!!! no more submitting to the yoke of slavery!!!!! no more chains to hold your feet from dancing!!!!